Information About EMDR

(2013, January 12). Mental health therapy uses movement to target how brain works. New Haven, CT: New Haven Register.

(2013, February 3). Treating PTSD in the armed forces: How pupil movement is helping symptoms of post-traumatic stress. Soldier Magazine

(2013, February 4). Staten Islanders can ease the stress of Sandy’s aftermath with counseling. Staten Island Advance.

EMDR FSS Case Presentation Format

EMDR Humanitarian Assistance Programs:

EMDR International Association:

The EMDR Institute:

The EMDR Exchange is an educational and promotional platform for EMDR therapists, offering videos, tutorials, trainings, consultation, and articles:

Information About Dissociation

The International Society for the Study of Trauma and Dissociation:

Information About Trauma

David Baldwin’s Trauma Information Pages:

The Sidran Institute: Traumatic Stress Education and