Publications & Articles
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Forgash, C. (2014) Treatment of dissociative disorder and complex ptsd with EMDR: Lecture record of Carol Forgash. Niheisha, Osaka, Japan
Forgash, C., Monahan, K., (2013) The Impact of Child Sexual Abuse on Subsequent Dental Health and Treatment for Adult Survivors. In submission.
Forgash, C., & Knipe, J. (2012). Integrating EMDR and ego state treatment for clients with trauma disorders. Journal of EMDR Practice and Research, 6(3), 120-128. doi:10.1891/1933-3196.6.3.120
Monahan, K., & Forgash,C. (2012). Childhood Sexual Abuse and Adult Physical and Mental Health Outcomes.
In E.A.Kalfoğlu & R.Faikoglu (Eds.), Sexual Abuse – Breaking the Silence (pp.137-152).Croatia: InTechOpen.
Link to online access:
Forgash, C. (2010). Stabilization Phase of Trauma Treatment. In M. Luber.(Ed.). EMDR Scripted Protocols: Special Populations. (pp. 209-233). New York:
Springer Publishing.
Forgash, C. & Copeley, M., (2007). Healing the heart of trauma and dissociation with EMDR and ego state therapy. New York: Springer
Case Consultation: Traumatized Pregnant Woman
Supervision de Casos Mujer Embarazada Traumatizada (Spanish)
Breaking The Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACE) Poor Health Cycle with EMDR
Workshop: EMDRIA – Denver 2014
Applying EMDR And Ego State Therapy In Collaborative Treatment
EMDR and EGO State Work “Treating Complex Posttraumatic Stress Disorder with EMDR and Ego State Therapy”
When a PTSD Survivor Becomes Pregnant: Implications For EMDR Treatment
Enhancing the Health Care Experiences of Adult Female Survivors of Childhood Sexual Abuse